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Room & Flight

Found a lower rate? We’ll match it and offer an extra 10% discount within 24 hours of booking.

Terms and Conditions apply!

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best rate guarantee

Experience peace of mind by booking directly with The Fortress Resort & Spa.

Our Best Rate Guarantee ensures that you receive the lowest available rate online. If you discover a lower rate for the same booking on another third-party website within 24 hours of booking with us, we will match it and provide an additional 10% discount. Alternatively, if you find a lower rate elsewhere before booking with us, we will honor that rate.

Here's how to claim:
  1. Identify a lower price on a third-party website within 24 hours of booking directly with us.
  2. Capture full details of the lower rate with a screenshot or photo.
  3. Complete the claim form with your guest name, existing reservation details, contact number, and email address.
  4. Our team will validate your claim and contact you accordingly.

Discover the assurance of booking directly with us, knowing you’ll receive the best available rate.

By giving your confirmation you explicitly give consent for us to store and use this information to service your requests.

If you do not consent we will not store any personal information and will only send an email with the relevant details in order to service your requests.

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